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Viewtopic - Route Bidding Issues here and any discussions ? Is the senority being abided by ? Secret Runs Hidden ?
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30 Nov 2023 - 01:37:10
The Company is committed to providing eligible Employees with the opportunity to apply for open routes based
off seniority. The Company believes in employing the best candidates for approved positions and engaging in
effective recruitment and selection practices, in compliance with all applicable employment laws.
To be considered for an open route Employees must meet the following requirements:
◼ Meet the minimum requirements for the job and be able to perform the essential functions of
the position, with or without reasonable accommodation.
◼ If returning from a leave of absence, the Employee must be within 14 days of their return-to-work
date; and
◼ [b]Submit interest in the open position within 48 hours of the posting
There is a ? to this is all the Routes allocated on the Bid Process or are there ones hidden and then administered later without knowledge to all drivers later?
Upon award, Employees may not revert to a previously held position for a minimum of 30 days of starting a
newly assigned trip. The hiring Supervisor and Recruitment Department may elect not to post certain positions
when there are lawful, nondiscriminatory bases for doing so, and with the approval of the senior management
Edited 30 Nov 2023 - 01:40:14 by Mailrunner
// Uniting Drivers against being ripped off!
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30 Nov 2023 - 02:10:29
The Hiring Supervisor or the Recruitment Department may elect not to post certain postiions.

Does this involve Recruitment procedure ?

Or does it elect that not all runs are not posted when a bidding process is taking place ?
Edited 30 Nov 2023 - 02:11:06 by Mailrunner
// Uniting Drivers against being ripped off!
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