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Viewtopic - Did you know by Law you are required to be paid 56 hrs of sick leave ?
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9 Nov 2023 - 15:07:11
Stop letting the Company take your Vacation Time they are breaking the Law! Call the Labor Board




Ask yourself if the government is being paying our 2000.00 2.500.00, then where is your money going when you are told to use your vacation time ?

When will contractors become covered?

The obligation to provide paid sick leave to covered employees applies to new contracts and replacements for expiring contracts that result from solicitations issued on or after January 1, 2017. Further, the Rule will apply to a contract in effect before January 1, 2017, if it is renewed, extended, or amended on or after January 1, 2017.

Somebody is thieving!

The dollar thresholds in the DBA and SCA must be satisfied before a prime contractor will be covered ($2,000 for the DBA and $2,500 for the SCA). For other procurement contracts, the threshold for coverage is $3,500. There is no monetary threshold for coverage, however, of non-procurement contracts for concessions or for subcontracts to covered contracts.

// Haru set the bar please
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