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Viewtopic - Oah WOw, What a Job Review on 10 Roads Express by an employee out of Dallas on Indeed Jobs
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14 Oct 2024 - 23:15:11
Safety Support Specialist / Logistics Support Specialist (Former Employee) - Carter Lake, IA - August 5, 2024
Lack of help leaves their employees with 10x's and higher salaried duties then they're of the salary or benefits. There is little to no life work balance, regardless of being "on call" The average work day is nightmare and joke. You are either expected to do the work of 10 employees or snapped at for doing less than the work of at least 5 co-workers. I definitely learned how to better use different PC platforms, that may be of use, but Microsoft products is where I grew the most with computers.
management at 10 Roads only showed me that nepotism, gender, and deceit are the easiest ways to advance at this company. As far as work culture there is non, however they always go all out during the holidays and then fire or scold those that put any effort into the holiday atmosphere.
The hardest part of this job was making sure your position was relevant and that you were doing the best you could despite knowing there was not was little chance of advancement.

The most enjoyable part of this position was hope that it would matter or make a difference in peoples lives only to find out it did not and they were lying and stealing from every company they worked with.

Although the benefits seem great they are not effect until 90 days out including the PTO although you occur it imminently but do not receive it till the 90 days (the 90 days for benefits takes place after the 1st month of employment and PTO occurred only tales effect after the 90 days of employment and cannot be used prior.)

Going into management is an option, but only for males willing to make the same amount of money to do triple the amount of work or females that are likely to make a couple bucks more and do quadrable the amount of work with little to no credit) with absolutely no help for any management position, Assuming they haven't already chosen someone within the company. -

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